Emergency Management - Saddle Lake Cree Nation

Mission Statement:

Emergency Management Leads the coordination and cooperation of all organizations involved in emergencies and disasters. This includes: Prevention – kitinikewin, Preparedness – kwayac, Response – naskohtowin, Recovery – minowin, Services we provide to our nation members: Front-line workers, Community Emergency Management Program CEMP, Recovery from Pandemic, Emergency Management Team Health & Safety, Emergency Crisis Response, Food Sustainability Emergency Response to Pandemic 2020.

Our Services

Saddle Lake Emergency Management is an organization that provides various services and programs to support the community of Saddle Lake Cree Nation. Some of the projects that Saddle Lake Emergency Management is involved in are:

  • Food Sustainability: This project aims to ensure that the community has access to healthy and affordable food. It includes activities such as:

    • 1- Food Sustainability: This project aims to ensure that the community has access to healthy and affordable food. It includes activities such as:

    • 2-Community Gardens: This is a program that encourages the community to grow their own food in communal gardens. It also provides gardening tools, seeds, and training.

    • 3- Community Hunts: This is a program that organizes hunting trips for the community members. It also teaches them how to process and preserve the meat, as well as respect the animals and the land.

  • • Emergency Homeless Shelter: This project provides a safe and warm place for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. It also offers meals, clothing, hygiene products, and referrals to other services.

  • • Search and Rescue: This project responds to any emergency situations on the nation, such as missing persons, accidents, fires, floods, or storms. It also trains volunteers in search and rescue techniques and equipment.

  • • Security Team: Security Team: This project provides 24-hour security service for the community. It also patrols the nation, monitors the cameras, and reports any suspicious or illegal activities.

  • • Clothing Donation Center: This project collects and distributes clothing donations for the community. It also operates a drop-in service where people can get clothing, food, and other essentials.

  • • Elder Support: This project supports the elders of the nation by providing them with home visits, transportation, medical assistance, and social activities.

  • • Cultural Teachings: This project promotes the cultural heritage and identity of the nation by offering various ceremonies and events, such as:

    • 1- Community Sweats: These are traditional cleansing rituals that involve sweating in a heated lodge with prayers and songs.

    • 2- Community Pipe Ceremonies: These are sacred ceremonies that involve smoking a pipe with tobacco and herbs as an offering to the Creator and the spirits.

    • 3- Community Feasts: These are celebrations that involve sharing food and stories with the community

  • • Temporary Work Programs: This project partners with Social Development and Employment Training programs to provide temporary work opportunities for the community members. It also helps them develop their skills and experience for future employment.