Sihtoskatowin Review - Saddle Lake Cree Nation

sihtoskâtowin Tribal Administration Review Project

Project Purpose

Chief and Council have initiated the sihtoskâtowin Tribal Administration Review (review) for onihcikiskwapiwin, Saddle Lake Cree Nation (SLCN).  The objectives are to ensure:


  • Members are receiving effective and efficient service
  • Nation resources are being utilized to their fullest potential
  • Tribal operations can support the Nation in achieving its long-term goals

The Review is being undertaken to ensure that SLCN resources are utilized to their fullest potential thereby ensuring SLCN receives the most effective and efficient service and the greatest benefit possible for the peoples of the Nation. Ultimately, a review of SLCN’s internal operations will ensure improved Nation members wellbeing, along with optimal employee relations, sustainability, transparency, and accountability.


Sihtoskâtowin was chosen as the project name as it means “supporting one another, including all members and programs working collectively and collaboratively.”

Saddle Lake Cree Nation is exercising our Inherent right to determine our future together and taking a sovereignty approach by undertaking this review of our operations and administration. As a Nation we do this will clear intentions for better outcomes for the peoples of onihcikiskwapwiwin.


Project Approach

Chief and Council Issued a public request for proposals. Nichols Applied Management of Edmonton was selected and has been working with the Nation since late January 2024.

The review process has gathered input from a variety of sources, including:

  • Staff survey
  • Membership survey
  • Leadership and senior management interviews
  • Document review
  • Other engagement

The sihtoskâtowin Tribal Administration Review is being undertaken through an inclusive approach involving the Nation’s members, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to share their opinions and thoughts so our Leadership can make good and informed decisions for better outcomes for our Nation together. It is being guided by a steering committee senior staff in Administration, two councilors and two members at large.

This exercise does not and will not have anything to do with the 10-year funding agreement that Canada is trying to get First Nations to sign currently.


Project Outputs:


Membership Survey

A key part of the Review is collecting input from Membership on Tribal operations, including:

  • The importance and satisfaction levels with the Nation’s various programs and services
  • Priorities the Nation should be focusing on
  • How communication between the Nation and Members can be strengthened

The survey was open to Members living on- and off-reserve.

the membership survey results: Click Here for Membership Results


Staff Survey

All staff had the opportunity to complete a survey focusing on what it is like working for the Nation, including:

  • Understanding of employment policy
  • Support and guidance
  • Training and career progression
  • Organizational culture
  • Knowledge of Cree language and Treaty

Click here to open a summary report of the staff survey results:


Current State Assessment

Key findings of the consultants regarding the current state of Operations for the Nation were summarized in a report. Included in the report are findings from the membership and staff surveys, along with from interviews, observations and review of literature.

Click here to open the Current State Assessment


Next Steps:

The consultants, supported by members of the steering committee, will present a summary of project findings to-date both to Nation staff and Membership.

  • Staff presentations are planned for the morning and afternoon of January 22, 2025
  • Membership presentation is planned for a community meeting the morning of January 29, 2025

The Project has been funded by ISC, and no Nation funds have been required to cover the consultants costs.  The Nation is in the process of applying for more funding to continued advancement of operational improvements. The current phase of the project will finish with some initial implementation of changes related to recommendations. Assuming the request for additional funding is successful, the consultants and steering committee will continue to work with Administration and Chief and Council on further operational improvements this year.


More Information:

For any questions on the sihtoskâtowin review project, please contact:

Sam Cardinal

Tribal Administrator




Kayla Cardinal

Council Secretary
